Adventures of Mana

Adventures of Mana (AoM) is no different, yet its genetic tree is fascinating. AoM is the first game in the branch Mana series and is a Game Boy version of Final Fantasy Adventure. It’s a long way from 1991 to now, but Adventures of Mana has nailed bringing its 2D pixels to a 3D world. The real-time combat is excellent, the numerous weapons you can collect and wield provide hours of entertainment and replay value, and the story is endearing and memorable. AoM also has a beautiful soundtrack that will make you cry, as well as stunning character designs.

Battle Chasers: Nightwar

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is an award-winning JRPG that provides one of the most complete mobile RPG experiences you’ll find in 2020, with no in-app purchases or paid DLC to worry about. Hallelujah!

Everything about this game is polished and finished, beginning with a robust overworld full of hidden dungeons to explore, epic bosses to defeat, and other surprises along the way.


With over a dozen iconic Final Fantasy games to choose from, one of the most beloved RPG sagas is well-represented on Android.

If you have any affection for the series, you’ll want at least one of these titles on your phone or tablet. If you want to help Cloud stop Sephiroth, Cecil stop Golbez, or Zidane defeat Queen Brahne, you must play through the entire sci-fi/fantasy saga.

Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale, like the other Enhanced Edition ports, has received some improvements to make it more appealing to modern audiences. It’s designed for large tablet screens, but it can also be played on a large phone. There are numerous bug fixes and improvements over the original, as well as cross-platform multiplayer for epic adventures with friends.

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